
Personalised Recent News Research for Busy Professionals

Save time. Stay informed on the move. Register your top four topics once and receive audio updates of the latest news to listen to anytime, anywhere. 

MVP: Available now!



Request Beta Access

Once you have signed up you will be given a unique Client ID which you must save. You will use the email you signed up with and your Client ID in the main setup.

Install Telegram

Telegram is an messenger app, similar to Whatsapp, which is where you will receive your audios from Daily.

Create a Chat with our Automated Chat

Click the "New Message" in the top right corner. Click the Search bar. Type in: Test2MVP_BOT Click the option which is titled: Test2MVP, has a Pink Icon with a white T inside as has the username @Test2MVP_BOT

Setup your Account in Telegram

Enter: /start Enter your Client ID (from Step 1) Enter the email you signed up with (case sensitive) Enter the number of Topics you want to have sent to you Daily (1,2,3 or 4) Enter Topic1, Click Send and then repeat for all topics. Once you have been told that your Topics have been successfully updated, you will receive your first News Reports in 3-5 minutes. From then on you will be sent them in the early mornings, daily.



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